Natural Healing Clinic – Alternative Therapies in Richmond and Vancouver BC

NATURAL HEALING CLINIC - Alternative Therapies

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Natural Healing Clinic

Alternatives Therapies

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Alternatives Therapies

Navigating Infidelity in Relationships: Understanding, Recovery, and Support

Dealing with infidelity in a relationship can be emotionally challenging and can strain the trust between partners. What constitutes as “cheating” varies among individuals, leading to differing perspectives within a relationship. When faced with infidelity, some consider it an immediate end to the relationship, while others may wish to salvage the connection they’ve invested in for years, especially when children are involved. However, navigating through this breach of trust and its aftermath alone can be overwhelming.

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Recognizing the Need for Assistance:

Infidelity profoundly affects both the betrayed and the unfaithful partner, triggering intense emotions and disrupting daily life. If these emotions start interfering with sleep, work, parenting, or overall well-being, seeking guidance becomes crucial. Professional help from a therapist, either individually or as a couple, can provide the necessary support to navigate through these challenging emotions.

Common Issues Arising from Infidelity:

Post-infidelity, various emotional struggles like anxiety, depression, trauma, and anger management may surface. These issues can significantly impact the healing process and the relationship’s future.

Approaches to Infidelity Treatment:

Therapists employ several proven methods to assist individuals and couples in healing from infidelity. These methods include:

  • Gottman’s Couples Therapy: Focused on friendship, conflict management, and mutual support, using evidence-based interventions derived from extensive clinical experience and research.

  • Gottman Relationship Check-Up: A comprehensive questionnaire addressing various relationship aspects, aiding therapists in the therapeutic process.

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy: Centered on emotional intelligence and understanding how emotions drive interactions, fostering stronger and more secure relationships.

  • Family Systems Therapy: Examining the family as an emotional unit, considering relationships and overall structure.

Relationship Issues
Lazzaro Pisu at The Natural Healing Clinic

Benefits of Seeking Help from Natural Healing Clinic:

Recovering from infidelity demands time, patience, and professional guidance. It involves rebuilding trust, addressing trauma, understanding root causes, and adopting healthier communication methods. Natural Healing Clinic offers support through experienced therapist who specialize in infidelity issues, providing tools to manage stressors and rebuild relationships effectively.

Moving Forward:

Overcoming infidelity necessitates dedicated effort and support from a qualified therapist. With tailored plans and effective communication tools, couples can rebuild trust and create a fulfilling relationship. Natural Healing Clinic ensures a comfortable and supportive environment, aiming to guide individuals and couples towards a confident and renewed relationship.


Infidelity’s impact on a relationship is profound, but with commitment and professional guidance, it’s possible to heal and strengthen the bond. To explore how Natural Healing Clinic can assist in this journey, contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment. Call: 604 202 7938

Couples Therapy
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