Natural Healing Clinic – Alternative Therapies in Richmond and Vancouver BC

NATURAL HEALING CLINIC - Alternative Therapies

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Natural Healing Clinic

Alternatives Therapies

Natural Healing Clinic - Alternative Therapies - Hypnoherapy Counselling Service

Alternatives Therapies

Natural Healing Clinic - The Mind

Natural Healing Clinic

Natural Healing Clinic - The Mind

Explore The Mind

Natural Healing Clinic – The Mind:
Explore the dual aspects of the mind: conscious and unconscious. Many rely on willpower to alter behavior consciously, overlooking ingrained habits stored in the unconscious. Discover the distinctive approach of my work.

natural healing clinic - the mind

Natural Healing Clinic - The Mind

When your conscious mind thinks you want something but deep down in your subconscious mind you don’t really believe you can achieve it – you create an internal conflict that holds you back. It is more than likely that, even as you read this, your subconscious is impressed with doubts of your ability to succeed and it is exactly these underlying self-limiting thoughts that we need to help you address.

If you feel like you have an internal battle going on in your mind – you probably have. In order to attract what you’d really prefer in life and help you grow and move forward your conscious and unconscious should be at peace not at war.

Coping with Confidence & Self-Esteem

Explore The Mind

Our proven methods swiftly address undesired behavior by accessing the subconscious through hypnotherapy and NLP, effectively resolving the root cause.

Experience safe, natural therapy—a “mind massage” that’s relaxing and effective. Enjoy lasting benefits and swift issue resolution. Try it now!

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An iceberg can serve as a useful metaphor to understand the two different parts of our mind. Only a small percentage of the whole iceberg is ever visible above the surface and this represents the conscious mind.

This is the part of the mind that we ordinarily think of when we say ‘my mind.’ It’s associated with thinking, analysing and making judgments and decisions.

The largest and most powerful part of the iceberg, however, remains unseen below the surface of the water and this represents our unconscious mind. Thispart of the mind is the source of your emotions and feelings and contains all your beliefs, habits and learnt behaviour patterns. It is also the part of your mind that is in action when you use your imagination, creativity or dream.

Alcohol Addiction- Natural Healing Clinic- Vancouver

There are two parts to the mind – the conscious and the unconscious mind. Most people try to change their behaviour using just their willpower in the conscious mind – however they don’t change the programmed habits and beliefs that are stored in the unconscious mind…This is where my work is different.

Explore The Mind

Critically, the unconscious mind is also responsible for maintaining the body in good health by regulating all the autonomic processes including controlling breathing, blood circulation, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and control of the nervous system, just to name a few.

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Unlock the power of your subconscious mind with us. Discover how, unlike the conscious mind’s limited capacity, the subconscious processes millions of details simultaneously. Explore effective sessions for meaningful conversations with your unconscious mind.

It’s interesting to be aware that our conscious mind can only process about 10-20 pieces of information at any one time whereas our subconscious mind can be aware of millions of things in any given moment. When you look at it from this perspective you can understand why it makes sense to converse with the unconscious mind during a session.

natural healing clinic

The unconscious mind is the part of you that’s like your “automatic pilot” ensuring that you continue to do the things that you’ve learnt. The problem is: sometimes we learn to do things that we later want to change! And this can be anything from physical habits to emotional responses. This is where we can help.

Don’t be afraid to take the first step. Remember that facing your fear is the beginning of the path to wisdom. To Book a Session call: 604 202 7938

DHP.Lazzaro Pisu

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