Porn Addiction - Natural Healing Clinic.
Porn addiction is a subset of sex addiction but sometimes has very different roots to other forms of sex addiction – especially for younger people who have grown up with easy access to Internet porn.

There is a growing body of research demonstrating the powerful affect of high-speed porn on the brain. Internet pornography is what’s known as a supernormal stimuli – in other words, rather than providing the brain with the usual reward that visual sexual stimulation can provide, the endless variety and novelty that can be instantaneously enjoyed is a ‘supernormal stimuli’. This stimuli has been called the ‘crack cocaine’ of sex addiction because it can be so powerfully addictive. This means that unlike other forms of sex addiction, which may have roots in childhood trauma, you can become hooked on porn simply because of its easy availability and lack of educational resources about the potential risks.
Many people are not aware they’re hooked on porn until it escalates to the point of affecting other areas of life such as relationships, friendships or work. Or until they notice that they can no longer get an erection without using pornography and sex with a partner no longer holds any appeal. For some the escalation has gone into cybersex, hook ups and visiting sex workers which may be crossing personal boundaries and breaching fidelity contracts with a partner.

The treatmen
The treatment program for recovering from porn is the same as sex addiction but with additional emphasis on relapse prevention strategies and building a chosen sexual lifestyle. Greater emphasis is also placed on practical strategies to overcome associated sexual dysfunctions such as PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction).
At The Natural Healing Clinic we offer a range of online and face to face porn addiction therapy services, Visit our services page to see how we can help you overcome an addiction.

Pornography is widely accessed and used as a means of dealing with one’s sexual drive. Meanwhile, partners may consider the viewing of online porn as pathological and believe that time spent watching porn can be seen as “porn addiction.” It is important to note that neither porn addiction nor sex addiction are considered as disorders by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, compulsive use of pornography is recognized as a disorder by the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases.
As a result of the increased availability of online sexual material, the number of people struggling with sexual addictions is growing daily. If you are searching for help, you can contact us today.
Book a Session, with DHP.Lazzaro Pisu, at the Natuural Healing Clinic, Call: 604 202 7938