Treatment for OCD
Treatment-for-OCD: OCD are initials that seem to have entered common usage in the English language in recent years – but they are often misused to describe someone who simply enjoys doing the same thing a lot of the time. I recently heard one woman say her husband was “OCD about gardening”. I suspect he was just passionate about gardening or perhaps merely spent more time in the garden than was to his wife’s liking.

Are Obsessive and Compulsive Behaviours ruling your life?
Hypnotherapy-Treatment-for-Obsessive-and-Compulsive-Behaviours. Discover how you can break bad habits with hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy for Compulsive Behaviour

These habits are very difficult to break as they are tightly linked to our minds on an unconscious level. In other words, we do it without being consciously aware.
Many people believe that sheer willpower is all that is required, but it rarely works, as that is not how our habits were formed in the first place.
When we try to use willpower to stop the bad habit but fail, it creates a negative feedback loop that often serves to remind us that change is not possible. The good news is, change is not only possible, it can be achieved in just a short space of time.
- Do you have compulsive habits that rule your life?
- Do you want to stop but don’t know how?
- Does it cause you a great deal of frustration and stress?
Whether your compulsive habit is big or small, it is probably causing you distress in some way today. Many of us have developed these habits as a coping mechanism from when we were y

I have treated many people at the Natural Healing Clinic for the disorder over the years.

Most numerous among OCD clients have been those afflicted by a compulsion to clean their hands repeatedly – to the extent in some cases that their hands have been rubbed red raw. Their obsession was germs and dirt; they had recurring obsessive thoughts about their hands being filthy and repetitive compulsions to wash their hands in response to that obsession.
Other examples of OCD are people whose obsession is safety and as a consequence they will repeatedly check electrical sockets to ensure equipment has been unplugged before they leave the house, or in some instances leave the the room.
At Natural Healing Clinic I have been successful in treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder through a combination of hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
It helps first of all to understand what obsessions are.
I have already alluded to two – hoarding is another, the compulsion being to collect all manner of items and discard none.
Some people are obsessively fearful of harm coming to a loved one and will be compelled to ring or text that person time and time again and on whatever pretence to check they are safe.
As might be gathered, an OCD can be a hugely disruptive part of a sufferer’s life and often has a severe detrimental effect on those close to the sufferer too.

The Natural Healing Clinic
Of people I have treated at the Natural Healing Clinic, those particularly desperate for help have been people with repetitive intrusive thoughts of violent or sexual nature.
They are terrified that they may harm a loved one or sexually assault them. An immediate note of comfort on this issue is that OCD sufferers are the least likely of people to act on such intrusive thoughts, not least because they find these thoughts so repellent.
There are other categories of intrusive thoughts, such as magical intrusive thoughts which compel sufferers to act in a certain manner for fear that in failing to do so, some terrible happening will befall them or some loved one. eg they always avoid standing on the cracks in pavements.

The severity of an OCD can vary, ranging from being slightly irritating and inconvenient to those causing extreme distress. Quite often clients who arrive at the Natural Healing Clinic are quite tormented by the disorder and recognise their need for professional help. Others come seeking help as they fear their condition developing further. Certainly, they are correct in that without treatment the disorder is usually persistent.

Compulsive Habits
We can help you with the following compulsive habits with hypnosis:
- Nail biting and Skin biting
- Hair pulling
- Compulsive hand washing
- Compulsive organising
- Compulsive cleaning
- Compulsive hoarding
Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for breaking bad habits.
Clinical hypnosis is a rapid and effective way to re-train your mind to break bad habits so you can regain control. We have helped many clients break their compulsive habits using proven methods to establish new behaviour patterns.
Natural Healing Clinic offers sessions regardless of the severity of the disorder.
As already mentioned we employ a combination of cognitive therapy and hypnosis. The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy involves discussing the disorder with the client and offering a clear and fresh insight into thought patterns and realities. Clients gain an understanding that has hitherto eluded them. Through hypnotherapy, people have their newly-gained insight fixed in their unconscious releasing them of the anxiety that has previously been a consequence of their thoughts.

Compulsive Behaviours
Because the compulsive behaviours reside in the unconscious space, hypnotherapy can directly work with the problematic areas and create fast and lasting change.
So if you have a compulsive habit that you are desperate to overcome, and want to live a more enjoyable life, contact us today to book your free consultation. Call: 604 202 7938
Our hypnotherapy Vancouver wide service provides you with convenience and comfort.